La Moqueta Verde

Sé quién eres. Sé dónde vives. Sé a quién votas...

Every worker is being forced to take an absentee ballot and instructed to vote at one particular polling station with the rest of the workforce, all together for United Russia. It will be very easy for them to count who has turned up, who hasn't, and how they've voted. On every shift, in every department we are constantly being told that if you don't comply you'll get the sack. Ivan, power station worker, Ufa

I was hanging out with my friends in Novogireyevo [in Moscow] near the metro.There were six of us. We were approached by a car. A young man came out. He started talking to us about the elections and said if we wanted to vote for United Russia we could get 500 roubles. I didn't agree but four of my group did. They filled in some kind of form - name, surname and passport data. They were given thenumbers of polling stations where they should go and vote and get the cash. Dasha, 19, student, Moscow

There was a meeting in the village where all doctors, teachers, nurses were gathered by the culture department of the local government ... The doors were closed and we were like hostages. We were told write a declaration saying "I, name and surname, pledge to vote for United Russia and these are my passport details ..." We were told that if United Russia got a high percentage in the village we would get a bonus on our salaries. Anastasiya, 40, librarian, Buryatia

Some activists from United Russia came to my home. They asked if I was going to vote for their party. I said no because I don't agree with its ideology. And they replied, Well, look, there's blacklist of people who aren't voting for United Russia. We know where you live and we are going to add you to that list." Natalia, 29,Novosibirsk
The Guardian 30/11/07

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3 Respuestas a “Sé quién eres. Sé dónde vives. Sé a quién votas...”

  1. # Anonymous Anónimo

    ¿500 rublos? En Galicia bastaba con 500 pesetillas... ¿será algún tipo de constante universal? ¿qué opina Planck de todo esto?  

  2. # Blogger Alex Guerrero

    Bueno, no está tan lejos, Ruibérriz.

    500 rublos son 13 euros (2.100pts) y los iPods son más caros que los CDplayers de los 1990. :)

    Que buenas crónicas... ¿cuán extendido estará el asunto?  

  3. # Blogger Augie March

    Una vez pregunté a un colega ruso por Putin y Kasparov y la política rusa. Me contó que en Rusia sólo esiste la política internacional. Y que continúa la división entre "jóvenes urbanitas menores de 25 años"/pansoviéticos. Cágate.  

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