As studies show, and many women will attest, men tend to misinterpret innocent friendliness as a sign that women are sexually interested in them... From a evolutionary stand-point , trying and being rejected comes at little cost, except for hurt feelings. Not trying at all, by contrast, may mean the loss of an opportunity to among other things, spread one's DNA.
Palabra de The Economist.
Palabra de The Economist.
Etiquetas: curiosidades
dan bastante al clavo. si bien no sé si podemos generalizar tanto a nivel de género. hay gente de todo...
Yo empecé a adoptar la estrategia que decribes en este post (llamémosle la "optimista") y oye, ¡¡¡maximizas las oportunidades!!!
Y no necesariamente porque quieras extender tu prole. :)