Una breve recomendación cinematográfica: Litte Miss Sunshine. La fui a ver el otro dia y no paré de reir en toda la peli. Es muy muy buena, muy crítica con US (se trata de una peli de cine independiente, con uno de los actores que participa en el Daily Show), y muy muy entretenida. No sé si la exportaran a España, pero espero que sí.
Os copio el resumen que han hecho los de mi cine:
"By anyone's standards, the Hoover family consists of some decidedly odd characters. There's Richard (Greg Kinnear), a motivational speaker whose career downslide is starting to give the lie to his own philosophy; his wife Sheryl (Toni Collette), who's losing patience with both his crisis and their marriage; their teenage son Dwayne, who worships Nietzsche and has taken a vow of silence until he's old enough to become a fighter pilot; Sheryl's brother Frank (Steve Carell), a Proust scholar who lost a MacArthur grant and his lover but failed in his attempt to lose his life; Grandpa (Alan Arkin), who's been kicked out of his nursing home for snorting heroin; and Olive (Abigail Breslin), Richard and Sheryl's seven-year-old daughter, who isn't going to let a little weight problem get in the way of her winning the Little Miss Sunshine pageant. She's been rehearsing her talent program with Grandpa and seems sure to win, so the family hops into a VW bus and drives Olive to the pageant for a chance to fulfill her dreams".
Etiquetas: cine/tv
Me habías convencido hasta llegar a lo de "Friends"... Pero bueno, pondré a eMule a trabajar!
jeje. bueno, la verdad es que no se porque puse lo de Friends. tampoco se parece tanto. pero es que a mi me encanta Friends;)